
【看英文中國郵報學英文】過年走春還沒想到去哪裡嗎?有著濃濃年味的彰化縣鹿港小鎮是個不錯的選擇!每到過年,鹿港天后宮吸引許多善男信女前來拜拜祈福,還有其他古蹟廟宇像是龍山寺、鹿港文武廟等等。Are you still planning your travels during the Chinese New Year? Lugang is one of the most charming old towns in Changhua County, central Taiwan. The town is home to many historical sites and ancient temples such as Lugang Mazu Temple, Lukang Lungshan Temple and Wenchang Shrine and Martial Temple. There is, therefore, little wonder that Lugang always attracts thousands of visitors to pray during the Chinese New Year. 除了遊賞古蹟,位在鹿港公會堂(藝文館)前紅磚道的盡頭處「桂花巷藝術村」也成為最夯打卡景點之一。整條街上掛滿七彩燈籠於1月18日開燈點亮夜空,短短四天就吸引眾多人潮搶先打卡拍照。In addition to the historical sites, Guihua Lane Artists Village, located across the Lugang Culture Center has recently become one of the top destinations in the area. Since Jan. 16, the lanterns hanging above tourists lighten up the night, drawing visitors to take photos. 桂花巷藝術村建於日治昭和年間,當時為日治時期官員居住的宿舍,後經整修,2010年起吸引許多藝術家進駐,開設一間間藝術工作坊,行銷鹿港傳統工藝。The artists’ village used to be a dormitory for Japanese officers when Taiwan was under Japanese rule (1895-1946). After the renovation, the art village started a program of artist-in-residence in 2010 and set up some craft workshops to pass on the traditional crafts in Lugang.桂花巷藝術村更多資訊|Guihua Lane Artists Village地點:彰化縣鹿港鎮桂花巷|505, Changhua County, Lukang Township, Gongyuan 1st Road藝術村開放時間:09:30–17:00 | Art Village opening time:9 a.m.- 5 p.m. 鹿港光影饗宴:18:00-22:00 | lighting decorations:6 p.m.-10 p.m.票價:免費|Free admission 更多 ChinaPost 新聞 等垃圾車不無聊!新北限定「垃圾話」環保袋超有看頭|Let’s have a ‘Trashed Talk’ — New Taipei launches limited design bin bags 都蘭國小包 紅到法國巴黎時尚周|Dulan Elementary schoolbag spotted at Paris Fashion Week 星巴克花蓮和平門市 透明屋脊式設計全面採光 成IG打卡夯點|Starbucks Heping becomes Instagram sensation

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